Site Configuration


Each site should have a datatig.json or datatig.yaml file at it’s root. This contains configuration for that site.

The schema of each file is the same.

We recommend using datatig.yaml - it is easier to edit, and you can have comments.


  • title - A string. The title of the whole site.

  • description - A string. A description for the whole site.

A YAML example:

title: Test register
description: The data for a test


We need to know information about the types of data - think of types like a table in a database.

The types key is an array of type information.

Every type has the following options available:

  • id - every type needs a unique ID.

  • directory - the directory to look in for data files for this type. Relative to the root of the git repository.

  • fields - a list of field information. See section below for more.

  • guide_form_xlsx - A XLSX file to use for generating and importing spreadsheets of a record. See SpreadSheet forms <>_.

  • list_fields - a list of field id’s to show in the static site web interface.

  • json_schema - a path to a JSON Schema file for this type. Relative to the root of the git repository.

  • pretty_json_indent - When writing back JSON files, how many spaces to ident by. Defaults to 4.

  • default_format - When creating new records, what is the default format? ‘json’, ‘md’ or ‘yaml’. Defaults to ‘yaml’.

  • markdown_body_is_field - When reading or writing markdown files, the body of the MarkDown file is put into a key with this name. Defaults to ‘body’.

A YAML example:

- id: lists
  directory: lists
  - code
  - title_en
  json_schema: schema/list-schema.json
  pretty_json_indent: 2
  default_format: json


Every field needs to be defined.

  • id - every field needs a unique ID within that type.

  • key - the path in the data to find this value. Note paths are allowed, not just keys.

  • title - a title for this field.

  • type - a type for this field. Defaults to string.

Allowed types are:

  • string

  • url

  • list-strings

  • date

  • datetime

  • boolean

  • integer

A YAML example:

- id: lists
  - id: code
    key: code
    title: Code
  - id: title_en
    key: name/en
    title: Name (EN)
  - id: url
    key: url
    title: URL
    type: url
  - id: description_en
    key: description/en
    title: Description (EN)

Git Host

You can specify information about where this git repository is hosted.

Currently the only hosts supported are: *

In a githost object, specify the following keys:

  • url - the URL of the repository. This should not contain the hostname but just the organisation and repository. eg org-id/register.

  • primary_branch - the name of the default or primary branch. Defaults to main.

A YAML example:

    url: org-id/register
    primary_branch: main